Sunday, May 29, 2011

Family Trip to MAINE!

Portland Head Light

We flew into Portland, Maine this morning for our summer family trip.  It is BEAUTIFUL here, although a little colder than Charlotte . . .  We got to visit this amazing lighthouse today . . . can't wait to drive to Bar Harbor in the morning!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My Summer "Go To" Outfit . . .

Summer Go To

I found a pair of vintage Levi men's jeans at Goodwill that I made into shorts and I am obsessed!! I wear them everywhere cause they go with so much!! I might even wear them out tonight to a friend's house . . .

I want to do ALL of this with my hair . . .

Cake Batter Pancakes . . .

I'm almost scared to try them because I'll become addicted, but what's better than combining cake and pancakes?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Designing my New Room!

I'm redoing my room this summer and am starting to plan out what I want!  I think I want almost a tropical feel . . . I want to feel like I'm on vacation in my own room!  I'm sure I'll be posting lots of my ideas as they come!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Miniature Giraffes . . .

I wish these were real!!! I would definitely have one as a pet . . . I have been trying to convince my parents to get me a "Teacup Pig" though! they're mini little pigs and are so precious!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Bouquet of Brooches. . .

. . .made of all vintage brooches!

I want to try and make one! I just have to find enough brooches. . .

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Colorful Summer Houses...

I would LOVE to live here for a summer...

Thursday, May 12, 2011


"Scrumptious Baked Cinnamon Breakfast Bites"

I always love some good donuts. . .especially when they're not even fried!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bittersweet Goodbyes. . .

"Don't cry because you are leaving, smile 
because you were there"

Tonight is my last night ever as a freshman in Clemson.  Some girls on my hall all pulled a mattress into my room so we can all spend the last night together! So sad that we have to leave each other for a whole summer, but even more sad that we'll never get to all live on the same hall again.  It's been such a memorable freshman year and I already can't wait for sophomore year!! As sad as it is to leave, I am SO excited to be back in Charlotte with my family and besties from Char-town!! HOME to Charlotte tomorrow after my last exam!!